
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” - Richard Feynman

I have met some incredibly inspiring professors over the years, and I try to live up to their standards (or at least try to).

Courses taught

Mathematics (2024)
Where: URJC. Degrees: Biology, Water Resources
Content: Single variable calculus (real functions, limits, derivatives, integrals). Introduction to ordinary differential equations. Introduction to numerical analysis.
Mathematics II (2022-2024)
Where: URJC. Degrees: Experimental Sciences, Energy Engineering
Content: Multivariable functions. Partial derivatives and gradients. Multiple integration, polar/cylindrical/spherical coordinate systems. Vector fields, divergence and curl. Line and surface integrals. Theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss. Introduction to ordinary differential equations.
Calculus (2022-2024)
Where: URJC. Degrees: Software Engineering, Computer Engineering
Content: Basic notions of Complex numbers. Real functions. Limits and derivatives. Indefinite integrals. Definite integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Successions and series, convergence tests. Power series and the Taylor expansion.
Discrete Mathematics and Algebra (2022-2023)
Where: URJC. Degrees: Software Engineering
Content (Discrete Mathematics): Diophantine equations. Modular arithmetic. Combinatorics. Graph theory.
Content (Algebra): Systems of equations and matrices. Vector spaces. Linear maps. Diagonalization.
Mathematical Methods III (2018-2019)
Where: UvA. Degrees: Physics
Content: Introduction to the Complex numbers. \(\mathbb{C}\)-valued functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Complex integration and the Residue Theorem. Analytic continuation, the Gamma and Riemann zeta functions.

Random materials I have created over the years