About me

“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable” - Seneca

As you arrived here, I would say it is safe to assume you are interested in my life, for one reason or another. I will satisfy your curiosity, by either of two means: if you are interested in a broad overview of my academic and professional career, you can simply download my CV from the links below, otherwise I have prepared a detailed, chronological version of my resume.

In a nutshell: A physicist with a master in High Energy Physics and String Theory, who left academia for a couple of years to gain professional experience in coding and data science, to then make a scientific comeback enrolling a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. I guess another way to put it is the scientific version of the monomyth.

Download my resume

Click here to view and download the best resume ever (very outdated, I have to upload a new version)

In case you’re wondering, I designed it with Overleaf.

Timeline, explained

A chronological tour.

Early years

  • Compulsory education

    C.E.I.P. Nuestra Señora de la Almudena

    I.E.S. Beatriz Galindo - English bilingual section

There's not much to be added here. I had a pretty standard primary/high school experience. At first I pondered studying medicine, however I decided it was not my thing. After being captivated by documentaries, I decided that I wanted to understand the Universe and its fundamental laws, in particular everything related to Cosmology and black holes.

Higher education

  • Enrolled in the B.Sc. in Physics

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

  • Member of ASAAF

    Organizer of activities and speaker in public outreach talks about Maths, Physics and Astronomy, for the Astronomical association of the Faculty of Physics of the UCM.

    For a complete list of them, see the "Outreach" section.

  • C1 english certified via IELTS

  • B.Sc. in Physics (GPA 7.5)

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

    Specialization in Fundamental Physics

    Bachelor's Thesis: Numerical Solutions in Classical Field Theories: Vortices and Solitons, directed by Prof. Francisco Navarro (Grade: 9/10). In case you are interested, you can view or download it here (in Spanish).

  • Enrolled in the M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics

    Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)

    Further information: Teaching Assistant on the bachelor course Mathematical Methods III.

  • Member of NSA

    Head of the Master Committee of the Natuurwetenschappelijke Studievereniging Amsterdam, the Physics and Mathematics association of the UvA. We organized activities (pub quizzes, scientific talks, movie nights) for our fellow students.

  • Member of Pint of Science NL

    Organizer and talk host during the May 2019 Pint of Science festival.

  • M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics (GPA 8.5)

    Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)

    Finished with Cum Laude distinction. Specialization in High Energy Physics & String Theory.

    Master's Thesis: Higher Spin Wilson Lines in AdS3/CFT2, directed by Prof. Alejandra Castro Anich (Grade: 8/10). In case you are interested, you can view or download it here (in English).

The bachelor was more interesting than what I could have ever imagined; I specially enjoyed the most mathematically-oriented courses. Thus, I soon considered the idea of pursuing a master's degree in Theoretical Physics, to learn about advanced topics such as String Theory, Topology in Physics, Advanced General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory...

Studying in Amsterdam was amazing, with so many influential theoretical physicists around. I learned a lot, but in the end I was a bit burnt out. I needed to step away from academia and see what else was available. I went back to Madrid, and decided to take some time off.

Short absence from academia

  • Junior programmer

    Centro de Computación Científica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CCC-UAM)

    Languages: Bash (Linux), Python, HTML.

  • Deep Learning Specialization


    Consisting of 5 courses, from basic Deep Neural Networks to Convolutional and Recurrent ones. In case you are interested, you can view or download the certificate.

  • Data analyst

    SDG group

After a couple of months off, I got my first job as a programmer at the UAM’s supercomputing cluster. There I was able to put my programming knowledge into practice, writing scripts to the needs of the Center, in both Python and Bash (I also wrote the current version of the CCC-UAM’s website, but that’s something minor).

However, I soon discovered that I wanted to focus on the data side of programming (I had already carried out some data-driven projects within the UAM, but sporadic). I managed to get a job in dada analysis at SDG consulting, for a brief period of time. Because at the same time I was offered the chance to enrol a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, in Complex Networks in particular. It would have a mixture of both Mathematics and Data Science, hence my decission to switch back to academia was firm.

I also decided, out of a whim, to enroll in the Advanced Physics master program of the UNED (previously known as the Complex Systems master program), but taking just one/two courses per year. The reason for this was twofold: on the one hand, during the Theoretical Physics master all the courses I took where focused on analytical methods, applied to High Energy Physics problems. Here I learn a more computational approach, mostly towards Non-linear and complex phenomena. On the other hand, the program has some degree of overlap with my Ph.D., which I deemed useful (and so far I have been proven correct).

Current situation

  • Complex networks Ph.D. student

    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)

    Preliminary title: Centrality Control in Complex Networks, under the supervision of Prof. Regino Criado Herrero and Prof. Miguel Romance del Río.

    For a list of publications and related talks, see the "Research" section.

  • Enrolled in the M.Sc. in Advanced Physics

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

  • Technical direction

    Laboratorio de Computación Matemática y Análisis de Redes Complejas y Aplicaciones (LACOMARCA)

    Official website: https://lacomarca-lab.github.io/